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What to write a blog about? Take a note

Temas para hacer un blog

Blogging is an incredible modality for creative people who hope to earn income. Although it doesn’t mean that talent alone is enough, you need to organize your ideas and specialize in a topic, maybe this is the hardest part, but that’s what we are here for, to help you in that moment when you wonder what to blog about?

Share your ideas and interests, choosing a topic that makes you feel comfortable or that you know well is the key to keep the ideas flowing and to keep your desire to be a blogger in the long term, and of course, to materialize this project

1. Reviews

Un blog con reseñas de productos o servicios puede tener muy buena receptividad
A blog with reviews of products or services can have very good receptivity

If you are into blogging, offering unbiased opinions about services or products can be a good approach, because if there is something people look for a lot, it is references about any item before buying it.

Write quality reviews on trending items or services, as this is a very in-demand topic for a blog. If you wish, focus on products in a specific field, so that readers will consider you an expert on medicines, beauty products, household items, among many other topics

Some tips on what you can write about in your blog are to diversify with the companies you review, offer pros and cons to make your content more complete and why not? Tell your story by testing the products, this will give you the credibility you need.

2. Write stories

Un blog literario puede ser una ventana para mostrar tu talento como escritor
A literary blog can be a window to show your talent as a writer

do you love writing and literature? Don’t wait for someone else to publish you, start with you.

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Follow your instinct and your personal style. Write about your life or other people’s lives, make it interesting and dynamic. You can do real stories, fictional stories, or combine both, it will depend on what you want to achieve. You can even have collaborators and publish among several people.

3. Instructional or “Do it Yourself” Tutorials

Los Blog DIY o Do It Yourself, enseñan mucho y son muy populares
DIY Blog or Do It Yourself, teach a lot and are very popular

If you have a long experience or a lot of knowledge about some area, you can write in your blog some informative articles as tutorials, because it will make life easier for your readers, who will come to you looking for a solution.

This is a wonderful idea, because you will be covering a need and if there is something we all want, it is solutions! Don’t hide your skills and knowledge.

How-to’ s can work for home decorating, for crafts, for homemade beauty procedures, for everyday life tricks… There is a whole diversity of topics! Start by recognizing what you excel at and start your blog

4. Lifestyle

El lifestyle es de esos temas más buscados en los blogs
Lifestyle is one of the most sought after topics on blogs

Lifestyle blogs are on the rise, although their growth will depend on the area you focus on.

Currently, financial topics work very well: how to save, how to enjoy with little money, how to manage yourself… Although the topic of recycling also works very well, as well as advising others to lead a simple lifestyle, among other topics.

5. Guides for beginners

Si conoces sobre criptomonedas, aprovecha esta tendencia de mercado y y haz un blog para guiar a otros en el tema
If you know about cryptocurrencies, take advantage of this market trend and make a blog to guide others in the subject

If teaching is your thing, this is the ideal topic for your blog. Help your readers learn, offer guides on a specific aspect: learning a language, mastering some kind of art, understanding the world of cryptocurrencies, among others.

6. Public Speaking

Hoy la buena oratoria es un tema que demandan las personas, aprovéchalo y abórdalo en un blog
Today, good public speaking is a topic that people are demanding, take advantage of it and explore it in a blog

There are people who get paralyzed when speaking in public, and having a blog where they can find tips to control it is very useful.

Being a good speaker has become a necessity, especially for the interaction that many of us assume in social networks, so expressing yourself fluently and fluently has become a very important skill.

If you characterize yourself as a good speaker, speaker or similar, you can help other people through a blog where you help them overcome or deal with this frightening experience.

7. Gastronomy

Si estás interesado en iniciar un blog, la película Julie y Julia puede enseñarte mucho, no solo de gastronomía
If you are interested in starting a blog, the movie Julie and Julia can teach you a lot, not only about gastronomy

If you have seen the movie Julie and Julia, with Amy Adams and Meryl Streep, you will know that sharing recipes on a blog can lead to success.

In your case you can write original recipes, or your version of some recipes, or if you are a chef you can do food reviews. You can even review restaurants, give recommendations, talk about suggested utensils, kitchen furniture, make reviews of utensils… as you can see, it is a very broad topic to address in a blog.

8. Freelance work

Aprovecha el boom por el trabajo freelance y crea un blog sobre el tema
Take advantage of the boom in freelance work and create a blog on the subject

Office jobs and low hours are not for everyone. Every day more and more people are betting on freelance work, entrepreneurship and even teleworking. The pandemic has accentuated this modality! Take advantage of the increased demand for the subject and create your blog on this topic while you do it too.

Getting started is never easy, therefore, a blog with this theme can have many readings. It teaches everything from tips to essential information on how to work on your own: organizing your time, public relations, building your portfolio and so on

9. News

Si quieres ser un bloggear de noticias, te recomendamos ser periodista, no todos tienen el poder de la palabra y sobre todo la credibilidad
If you want to be a news blogger, we recommend you to be a journalist, not everyone has the power of the word and above all the credibility

If you are starting out, it is best to focus on local news, remember that if you are working alone it will not be easy to cover a large number of news and much less make a national or international coverage… you will be competing directly with media outlets and news agencies.

Cover community issues or the society around you, life stories, street art, events in your city, situations that affect your context… these types of topics will work very well to make you known. Of course, find your style and give a particular tone to your blog posts, and don’t forget that you are writing for others, adjust to your audience.

10. Coaching

Enfócate en un tema para orientar a otros, ese ha de ser el principio del coaching
Focus on a topic to guide others, that has to be the principle of coaching

Personal improvement and coaching are in vogue, specialize in a topic is important, so you give a focus to your blog and people can come to you for topics that you dominate and in which you can help them.

Personal dissatisfaction has led many people to start improving habits, find harmony through some discipline (yoga, taichi, pilates or others), take refuge in meditation, find new diets to improve their body, enhance their leadership qualities, there are many topics… choose yours and start writing!

11. Tips

Para un vida feliz, los blogs pueden ser una fuente de consejos, especialmente cuando eres o vas a ser mamá
For a happy life, blogs can be a source of advice, especially when you are or are going to be a mom

We all need advice, so it’s a great idea for a blog. You can address various life situations and help a lot of people, so problems can give you a lot of content.

You can take a specific niche, such as family, work problems, couple, dealing with children or baby care ( mom blogs never go unnoticed) … or give advice in a general way. If you want, you can do live chats or ask your readers to write their problems and you can give them an answer

Mom Blogs are basically blogs dedicated to mothers and pregnant women with maternity recommendations, name selection, essential products for the care and health of a baby, the fears and emotions of a mother, how to deal with difficult moments in the early years of a baby, the evolution and changes of pregnancy … it’s a whole world to discover, just like a child coming into the world, that’s why they tend to have a lot of traffic.

12. Pets and animals

Los animales y mascotas son un tema con mucho éxito en internet
Pets and animals are a very successful topic on the Internet

A large number of people have pets, and many more love animals in general. This is a popular topic on the internet!

You can create content about pets on your blog that works for everyday life and how to deal with the responsibility of caring for them. Pet product tips and reviews are all the rage today.

There is even another angle from which you can approach the subject of animals and advocate for the protection of the creatures, condemn cruel treatment and advocate for animal justice, support one of these causes… many non-profit organizations want to expand their voice with new communities.

13. Travel

Los blogs de viajes suelen gozar de buena receptividad
The travel blogs are often well received

If you love to travel and are constantly on the go, a travel blog is ideal for you. You can tell your experiences, make your reviews, give recommendations, it’s super entertaining for the readers!

This is a very attractive topic, travel bloggers usually have very good receptivity from the public… recommend tourist places, gastronomy, hotels, tips for traveling, budgeting or packing… like these topics, there are many others that you can address.

14. Fitness

Un blog de fitness pueden dar para abordar toda una diversidad de temas
A fitness blog can cover a wide range of topics..

Every day a person in the world decides to change their diet or adopt healthier habits, so a fitness blog is a great idea!

There are many areas you can talk about when you get into the fitness world, but it also depends on what you want to focus on. You can give tips on nutrition, focus more on routines and workouts, on wellness and emotions when you are changing to a healthy lifestyle, on the different types of detoxes you can do… You can even offer your services as a nutritionist, personal trainer, coach or similar.

15. Interior design

La decoración y diseño de interiores puede ser un tema para monetizar muy bien a través un blog
Interior design and decoration can be a topic to monetize very well through a blog

If interior design and decoration is your thing, it can reinforce your image and make you more attractive to other people through a blog focused on this topic, be prepared to receive clients!

Start by giving useful decorating tips, color palettes, offer some tours of clients’ homes, show your process, create color and texture combinations, show the before and after… all are content that will appeal to readers and attract potential clients.

16. Self-defense

No imaginas lo amplio que puede ser la defensa personal como tema de un blog
You can’t imagine how broad self-defense can be as a blog topic

Danger is out there, so knowing how to defend yourself is very necessary. Martial arts are just one part, there are many more practices that can help you, especially the quintessential techniques to defend yourself.

This is a topic that is growing in view of the doses of violence that are experienced almost everywhere in the world. Teaches self-defense tricks, how to avoid dangerous situations, the moves that anyone can apply, if you want you can focus on women, give tips to overcome unpleasant situations and how to strengthen your security … you can not imagine the multiple content that you can generate on the subject.

17. Web design

Ofrece guías de uso para crear sitios web y da tips para trabajar con códigos y programación
Offers user guides to create websites and gives tips to work with codes and programming

The options for web design are endless nowadays, so a blog on the subject can become a guide.

You can start focusing on developers, and then expand it to people interested in their website. Talk about the services available, compare them, review the good and bad of each one, offer user guides, give tips for working with code and programming… This is a trending topic that you can’t miss.

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18. Entrepreneurship

Un blog para emprendedores puede ser una herramienta muy útil para transitar este camino
A blog for entrepreneurs can be a very useful tool to follow this path

Blogging has discovered a boom in entrepreneurship topics. This is a topic that many people are venturing into, so if you have experience in this field and a long history of entrepreneurship, explore it!

Trial and error leads to success, so, you have been an entrepreneur, create a blog on the subject and give advice on entrepreneurship, will make you a guide or expert able to accompany others in that process.

19. Gardening

No imaginas la cantidad de contenidos que puedes desarrollar para un blog de jardinería
You can’t imagine the amount of content you can develop for a gardening blog

People in the city do not have a great command of gardening topics, which makes this topic appetizing for a blog.

Gardening blogs often have fantastic ideas for decorating and crafting, caring for plants and gardens, providing features and benefits of each plant, offering cosmetic and health uses based on plants… it’s amazing how broad this niche is.

20. Makeup

What to write a blog about? Take a note
The star topic of blogs is makeup and beauty.

This is a topic that never goes out of style, trend-wise perhaps, but the concept itself is always a must for both women and men (believe it or not).

In addition to talking about makeup trends, you can show tutorials, make product reviews and address issues of great relevance as skincare has become a very important topic … more and more people are becoming interested in improving habits, so it has become a topic that generates traffic.

21. Photography

La fotografía puede ser un tema a monetizar a través de un blog
Photography can be a topic to monetize through a blog

In a world dominated by technology, photography has become accessible. Today everyone takes pictures, but there is always a niche interested in improving in this art, so this is an advantage for photographers who can monetize through their blog by offering their work, photography courses or showing their portfolio to get hired and thus work from home.

As you can see, there are many topics… choose the topic you are most passionate about and in which you have experience, blogs are always a window to make yourself known and share what you do in a professional way.


With a degree in Psychology and a passion for flamenco guitar and board games, my professional journey has deeply explored the intricate link between human behavior and marketing. Over the years, I've honed my ability to analyze and interpret market trends and consumer responses. At The Color Blog, I blend my psychological insights with my love for writing, providing unique perspectives on marketing, history, and the human interactions that shape our digital age.View Author posts

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